Sunday, December 14, 2008

When the going gets tough....

It's December 14th, the holiday preparation season is in full swing. Most of you have been out shopping, wrapping, cleaning, baking, storing, calling, and of course, eating! There are a lot of stessors and distractions this time of year. Perhaps that's why the gym is so dead lately!?!

Nobody here but this freak!

I must admit, my clients have been extremely consistent. And since my paycheck depends on them working out, a big THANK YOU goes out to them. But since my clients make up only a certain percentage of the total gym membership, I must ask, "Where is everyone?" If you are one of those gym members who is distracted by the never-ending holiday activities, I've got some advice for you: Get in the gym while you can! When January hits, you know who shows up!

Don't let this happen to you!

So as the holidays become increasingly demanding, get proactive and fight for your right to party! uh, I mean, workout. You'll have to forgive me, I am a total gym rat and meat head, I love training, reading about training, and (obviously) writing about it as well. And so, unless you are a gym rat, consider yourself warned. Fat Bastard will be visiting the gym before you know it. Get on the Ad/Abductor machines while you can;)

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Real before and after shot!

Real before and after shot!
Over 50lbs of fat....GONE!