Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Personal Training customer is THRILLED!

Here is another testimony for you all:

"This summer my friends were amazed with my transformation. I truly believe that with your guidance and positive words, this life style change is permanent. People would ask me about my diet and I would tell them it's not a diet but it's my nutrition. It's not about how little I eat. I still eat a lot. It's about how I eat and when I eat and what I eat. Thanks to your advice." - Jayson Torres

JIMI COMMENTS: Jayson started working with me around Thanksgiving of 2007. He actually hired and fired me as his trainer a couple of times before finally deciding that he was ready to fully commit. After several months, Jayson lost over 30lbs of bodyfat and built a respectible amount of lean muscle. Can you get results like Jayson? Are you ready to commit and not 'diet', but make a total lifestyle transformation? I can show you how!

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Real before and after shot!

Real before and after shot!
Over 50lbs of fat....GONE!