Sunday, May 25, 2008

This Thursday Night, May 29th, 7pm

Local speaking engagements for May 29th, 7pm

My next seminar is this Thursday at the Livonia Civic Center Library on Thursday, May 29th at 7pm.

Seminar details:

"Losing Abdominal Fat & Beyond: what works and what doesn't"
Livonia Civic Center Library
32777 5 Mile Rd
Livonia, MI 48150


I will be signing copies of my books, The Dieters Deliverance and A Trainers Dozen. More details about the upcoming DVD releases will be available as well!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Navy Seals Fitness Challenge - May 10th, 2008

I just got back from Dearborn where I competed in the 2008 Navy Seals Fitness Challenge. The Challenge consisted of the following 5 events:

1 - 500 meter swim using breaststroke or side stroke

2 - Pushups

3 - Situps

4 - Chinups

5 - 1.5 mile run

The goal was to finish at 'elite' Navy Seal status. If you did that, you received a Navy T-shirt. If you finished just shy of elite, you received a brown T-shirt. And if you finished, you received a white T-shirt. Here were the standards for each:

1. 500 meter swim -
Elite - 10 minutes or under
Standard - 12 minutes or under

Jimi's result: 11:15! Yeah, Standard Brown status!

Next, was the pushups!

2. Pushups -
Elite - 80 consecutive pushups in 2 minutes
Standard - 42

Jimi's result: 65! Again, another Brown! So far, so good:)

3. Situps -
Elite - 80 consecutive situps in 2 minutes
Standard - 60

Jimi's result: 85! Elite status! But remember, the highest I can qualify is Brown....

4. Chinups -
Elite - 11 Chinups
Standard - 6

Jimi's result: A spectacular 15 Chinups! Who's your daddy;)

5. 1.5 Mile Run -
Elite - 10 minutes or under
Standard - 11 minutes or under

Jimi's result: A very disappointing 11:15! :(

I qualified for the white T-shirt, but am very satisfied with my swimming result since I don't swim nor did I practice for this event.

Not to make excuses, but I have doing ZERO endurance training, especially running. My cardio work has consisted of HIIT Training on the Treadmill at 12 mph for 30 second sprints with a 30 second recovery period.

I will wear my T-shirt proudly, but not in public.... you see, I asked for a Small or Medium to show off the pecs, but was given a XL. Oh well....

It was a lot of fun, but I will not be looking to do another challenge like this anytime soon. My participation was more about ego than anything else.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Training Chuck Gaidica from Channel 4 News

Here is a short clip for WDIV Channel 4 in Detroit, Michigan. Chuck Gaidica is a client and good friend of mine. Congrats on your efforts and finishing the Navy Seals Fitness Challenge!

Friday, May 02, 2008

MMA Gym opens in Michigan!

A good friend of mine recently opened what I believe will be the 'go to' gym for MMA fighters and those looking to get into the field. Here is a link to a recent write up in the paper.

Real before and after shot!

Real before and after shot!
Over 50lbs of fat....GONE!