Saturday, January 05, 2008

10 Things you MUST consider before starting your fat loss program

10 Things you MUST consider before starting your fat loss program
Jimi Varner

1. Find someone who's already accomplished that goal.
Whether at your gym, work, or school, we all know somebody who's lost weight. Make it your mission to seek these people out, buy them a cup of coffee, and ask them what they did to achieve success. This should be easy, people love to talk about themselves, especially when they are the hero.

2. Hire a pro
Seek out a fitness coach. Whether it's a personal trainer, registered dietitian, or other qualified consultant. While these services may seem expensive, they will save you both time and money in the long run. It's an investment in YOU, and you're worth it.

3. Identify trigger foods
A trigger food is anything that causes you to overeat. For some, it's sugar, for others, it's salt. Once you identify your triggers, you can eliminate them till you reach your goals or simply choose to live without them all together.

4. Eliminate excuses

It doesn't take much for any of us to come up with a long list of excuses of why we can't accomplish something. You don't have to look very far to find someone who has got a list of goals and a longer list of reasons why he can't accomplish them. Sure, there are certain times in one's life when serious issues arise, and the challenges that those issues present make achieving a goal literally impossible. But how many of your excuses are true life challenges?

5. Set small attainable and measurable goals
Many small victories over the course of time will lead to the attainment of your goals. You may set long-term goals that may take a long period of time to reach, but don't despise small beginnings. Setting some short, attainable goals will build self-confidence and provide momentum in the direction of your larger goals.

6. Find an accountability partner
Whether it's a personal trainer, or simply a friend waiting at the gym, there are many benefits of having an accountability partner. Let's face it, you don't want to let that person down, so you get out of bed to make good on your promise. Not only can an accountability partner guilt you into success, but they can also provide a little friendly competition and a fresh perspective to the training process.

7. Schedule, schedule, schedule!
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Initially, you should write down your entire day before it even begins. Everything from what you're going to buy at the grocery store, to what meals you're going to eat for the rest of the week. Most people fail because they lack structure and a plan of action. Don't leave your results to chance, schedule and document everything. Your program should forecast at least the next three to six weeks of your training and nutrition. A personal trainer can help you design an effective program, but before hiring one, be sure to ask for references and testimonials.

8. Reward yourself
We all have different motivators. For some, it's a trip to the mall, for others, it might be a weekend away. Whatever motivates you, consider making it an incentive to follow through on your new training program.

9. Stipulations
Just as rewards are motivator, stipulations can be equally as motivating. A stipulation can give negative consequences for the lack of follow through. When Ben and Jerry are calling you at midnight, knowing that there is pain associated with eating that ice cream will cause you to reconsider your actions.

10. Plan your work, but work your plan!
The bridge between your plan and success is work. You can purchase all of the right food, supplements, and have the best training program, but without daily, consistent action, success will not be had. Just remember, yesterdays tomorrow is today!

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Real before and after shot!

Real before and after shot!
Over 50lbs of fat....GONE!