Monday, December 03, 2007

Jimmy Smith does NOT have portion distortion!

One of my friends in the fitness industry, Jimmy Smith of had a quick post on his blog reminding us of the simplicity of portion control. Check it out below:


Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Portion Control 101

An issue with eating out or eating in general is portion control. Here’s a quick reference guide so that you don’t go overboard and don’t have to think too hard.

Fruit-1 serving is the size of a baseball
Vegetables-1/2 cup is ½ a baseball
Pasta or Rice-1/2 cup is ½ a baseball
Fish or Chicken- 1 serving is a deck of cards
Peanut Butter-2 tablespoons is a large marshmallow
Salad Dressing-2 tablespoon is an ice cube

Can't get much easier can it?

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Real before and after shot!

Real before and after shot!
Over 50lbs of fat....GONE!